Wednesday 28 December 2011

Top Ten Traditional Wedding Vows Ideas

Wedding vows are the highlight of weddings as they reflect the true commitment and love among the bride and groom. As the bride and groom say their vows, the marriage is considered to be sealed and a union of two souls takes place. They have evolved through the centuries though; they are planned carefully and well in advance. Traditional wedding vows are replaced or modified as per the couple’s preferences.

Romantic wedding vows are highly preferred by many wedding couples nowadays. They want the wedding vows not to be just a custom but also reflect their feelings for each other. They want the vows to bring out the uniqueness in their relationship that differentiates it from others. Wedding vows ideas for romantic as well as traditional vows can be got from internet, wedding magazines and journals.

Make Your Traditional Wedding Vows Unique
  • Firstly, get some sample wedding vows from the sources mentioned above; but take care as to whether the source is authentic or not
  • Sample vows can be the oft-repeated vows by couples for many centuries now, so change them after a discussion with your partner
  • Discuss with your partner as to how you want your vows to be: strictly traditional, modified versions of traditional vows or fully personalized romantic vows
  • According to your decision, change the format of the vows, you don’t have to be a creative person to do it; just take some help of your friends or close family members
  • You can also write your vows all by yourself, you don’t have to be a poet for this though; you will have to decide the most unique thing about your relationship and start writing in a natural flow
  • You don’t have to use flowery or poetic language to profess your love or commitment, simple words genuinely said from the heart would suffice
  • You can write the vows together or write them separately; writing them separately will delight your partner as he or she would be hearing the words for the first time
  • Just keep the vows simple and genuine, bringing out the most special point about your relationship, for example if you think giving space to each other is unique then flaunt it!

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