Tuesday 15 November 2011

Modern Romantic Wedding Vows

Wedding vows are supposed to affirm the love and devotion one feels towards his or her soon-to-be life partner. The person you will soon be sharing your life with, has to inspire you from the depths of the heart to craft and weave the most romantic wedding vows possible. Traditionally, wedding vows would dictate that you profess support for your love through thick and thin, through sickness and health, and phrases which you would never use otherwise. But modern day wedding vows allow you a lot of leeway from the rigidity of traditional wedding vows. You may voice your feelings for your bride or groom to be in the most personal and individualistic manner possible. Here are some tips on modern romantic wedding vows and wedding vow ideas which should ignite your imagination.

Modern Romantic Vows for Wedding Ceremony
Traditional wedding vows can sometimes prove to be a massive pain because on top of a publicly conscious and ever nervous person’s woes of reading out the vow, traditional vows actually force you to conform to pre-existing guidelines so you don’t even end up voicing and expressing your true feelings in the way you want them to be. This is why modern romantic wedding vows are blessings in disguise. They not only let articulate your feelings for your most treasured one with the words YOU deem worthy of him or her, but you also get to choose the tone and manner to present the heartfelt vow, the way you are most comfortable with.

Sample Wedding Vows
Without much further ado, let us get down to business. Here are some fine examples of modern romantic wedding vows:-
“ The very first sight of you managed to completely freeze me in my tracks. Is it possible, I thought to myself, that someone so real could be so [lovely/handsome]? And then, imagine my surprise when you chose me.. out of every person in this world, you happened to choose me! You make my world complete, you make ME complete! So [partner’s name], from this day onward, I humbly ask of you to complete me, forever and for always. ”

“ [Partner’s name], it should come as no surprise to you and to me when I say that we have had our rough times.. pretty rough times to be precise. But even through our most heated of moments, I never felt defeated. In fact, I felt alive, incredibly alive. Sensations never came to me in this magnitude before as they do now when I’m with you. You bring out the best and you bring out the worst in me. You are the one thing which gives me purpose in life. The one person I think of at the exact second I wake up every morning. [Partner’s name], I have no other choice but to name you as my [wife/husband] and honestly, I would have it no other way. ”

“ I knew.. I knew from the very beginning that you would be the one standing in front of my eyes, in front of all these people, I knew you were the one I would be sharing the rest of my life with. And just as I saw the future in the past, I now see the future in the present. I see us preparing this wonderful world, man and woman together, in a world populated with the most joyous and unbreakable of experiences. And I see you and me create new inhabitants for this world, inhabitants who will inherit our best shared qualities, inhabitants who will continue the wonderful legacy that we started together. So [partner’s name], take my hand and come with me to this brave, new world of promises and immense hope for a blindingly beautiful future. ”

We hope you have enjoyed the time you spent with us and that we have managed to aid you in your quest to construct the most romantic wedding vow ever. Just remember, when it comes to modern romantic wedding vows, individuality and creativity are meant to shine, hence the whole point of being modern. Hence, while there are samples of modern romantic vows provided for your benefit, we urge you to just take them only as inspiration and then script your own vow. Trust us, it will make a world of a difference for your partner, the guests assembled at the wedding, and most importantly, for you.